Vesak Day and the 11th international Tripitaka chanting ceremony

Celebrate Vesak Day with MBMC!

Join the Merit-Making Buddhist Meditation Center (MBMC) for a joyous celebration of Vesak Day on Sunday, May 26th, 2024.

Vesak Activities:

  • Observe the Five Precepts: A chance to cultivate morality and mindfulness.
  • Chanting Ceremony: Worship the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha) through chanting.
  • Dharma Talk: Listen to a spiritual discourse to deepen your understanding.
  • Offering to Monks: Make a traditional offering of food to the monastic community.
  • Ancestor and Deva Ceremony: Pour water to honor your ancestors and higher beings.
  • Candlelit Procession: Walk around the MBMC in a respectful clockwise direction with a lighted candle to pay homage to the Buddha.
  • Community Meal: Share a meal and connect with fellow practitioners.

We look forward to welcoming you for a meaningful Vesak Day!

Please note: This information replaces any previously shared details about the event.

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